Correlating and Updating Finite Element Models of Different Fidelity Using an Energy-Based Approach
Building finite element models of complex structures requires the engineer to make various simplifying assumptions. While there exists no unique way of modeling, the resulting model depends to a level on experience and engineering judgement. The inherent model uncertainties can be subdivided into three categories: idealization errors, discretization errors and parameter errors. Understanding the effect of different modeling assumptions and minimizing these uncertainties is key for creating efficient and physical meaningful finite element models. In this paper the effects of different modeling assumptions are analyzed by comparing finite element models of an aero engine turbine casing. Various models of different fidelity are created reaching from simple shell element representations neglecting geometric features like bosses, fixings and holes, to higher fidelity mixed dimensional models using coupled shell and three-dimensional elements. To quantify their impact on the stiffness and mass properties, the different models are correlated with a high-fidelity three-dimensional finite element model using numerical modal data. A novel method is proposed based on the strain and kinetic energy distribution to assess the effect of different modeling assumptions on the model structure. This is done by splitting the discretized model into multiple sections of interest and calculating the perturbation of energies within the related splits. The derived strain and kinetic energy perturbations are then used in addition to other correlation criteria like the modal assurance criteria or the relative difference in eigenfrequencies to analyze the impact of the different modeling assumptions. Having quantified the differences, the difficulties of error localization using modal data are discussed in the context of the correlation results. Finally, the effectiveness of the derived perturbation values are demonstrated by updating a finite element model of an aero engine turbine casing in the presence of structural simplifications using an evolutionary optimization algorithm and comparing the model updating strategy to the standard sensitivity-based updating approach. If the resulting updated model is used to predict structural modifications or untested loading conditions, the updated parameters might lose their physical meaning when altering regions of the model not in error. Therefore, it is important to examine the physical significance of the updated parameters. It is shown how the energy-based approach can help to address this problem. All in all, the proposed energy-based approach can be used to compare various modeling strategies in order to build efficient finite element models as well as assist in the choice of parameters for subsequent model updating to validate the numerical model against test data.
Correlating and Updating Finite Element Models of Different Fidelity Using an Energy-Based Approach
Technical Paper Publication
Session: 20-02 Emerging Methods on Structural Design System: Mechanical Analysis
ASME Paper Number: GT2020-14509
Start Time: September 25, 2020, 08:00 AM
Presenting Author: Alexander Hardenberg
Authors: Alexander Hardenberg Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Arnold Kühhorn Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Maren Fanter Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG